Friday 31 March 2023

Blended Assessment for Hiring

Blended Assessment for Hiring

 In today's competitive job market, companies are increasingly focused on optimizing their hiring processes to attract top talent while simultaneously minimizing time-to-hire. Traditional assessment methods can be lengthy and disjointed, leading to a negative candidate experience and potentially losing qualified candidates in the process. However, advances in technology have made it possible to deliver a single blended assessment that is both more efficient and inclusive for candidates.

Intelligent blended assessment is a method that combines various assessment techniques into a single test that measures a candidate's abilities and potential for the position. This process can include different types of assessments, such as cognitive ability, personality, situational judgment, and skills-based tests, among others. By combining these assessments into one process, candidates can receive comprehensive feedback and an accurate assessment of their overall fit for the position.

The benefits of using intelligent blended assessment include a streamlined hiring process, improved candidate experience, and better accuracy in identifying top talent. This process can also save hiring managers time and resources, as they no longer have to manage multiple tests and assessments, while still obtaining the necessary information needed to make informed hiring decisions.

One way that organizations can use intelligent blended assessment is by utilizing technology platforms that offer a variety of assessments in one place. Talogy, for example, is an assessment platform that provides a customizable suite of assessments that can be tailored to fit each organization's specific needs. The platform uses advanced analytics to provide hiring managers with insights and predictive data on candidate performance, enabling them to make informed hiring decisions quickly.

Moreover, Talogy and similar platforms can deliver feedback to candidates that is concise, clear, and focused on specific areas for improvement. This feedback is crucial to help candidates better understand their strengths and weaknesses, and it can help them identify areas to work on for future job applications.


Intelligent blended assessment is an effective and efficient method for improving the candidate journey while also saving time for hiring managers. By utilizing advanced technology platforms like Talogy, organizations can optimize their hiring processes and accurately identify top talent in less time. This process also provides candidates with a better experience by reducing the number of assessments they need to complete and providing them with more focused feedback. As the job market continues to evolve, companies that adopt this approach are likely to gain a competitive advantage in attracting and hiring the best candidates.

Ahsan Tariq
Department of Management Science 
Preston University