Friday 28 April 2023

HR Tech Implementation Failures

HR Tech Implementation Failures


The implementation of new HR technology platforms is increasingly common in today's organizations, as it promises to streamline processes, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. However, many of these implementations fail to achieve their intended goals. While many organizations measure the success of an HR technology implementation in terms of time and cost, they often overlook a critical factor: employee adoption. According to a study by Josh Bersin Co., 42% of HR technology implementations fail or are not fully successful because employees refuse to use the new HR platform or see little benefit in its features or functions. In this article, we will explore the reasons why HR technology implementations fail and the steps that organizations can take to increase employee adoption and ensure a successful launch.

Why Do HR Technology Implementations Fail?

1. Lack of employee involvement: 

 One of the primary reasons why HR technology implementations fail is a lack of employee involvement in the selection and implementation process. If employees are not involved in the decision-making process, they may be resistant to change, which can lead to low adoption rates. Involving employees in the selection and implementation process can increase their buy-in and sense of ownership, leading to higher adoption rates.

2. Poor communication: 

 Another common reason for HR technology implementation failure is poor communication. If employees are not informed of the benefits of the new technology or how it will impact their job, they may be less likely to adopt it. Effective communication is key to building support and increasing adoption rates.

3. Insufficient training: 

 Insufficient training is another common reason for low adoption rates. If employees do not receive adequate training on the new technology, they may find it difficult to use or not understand its full potential. Training should be provided at all levels of the organization to ensure that everyone has the necessary skills and knowledge to use the new technology effectively.

4. Lack of integration: 

 HR technology platforms must be integrated with other systems and processes to ensure seamless workflows. Failure to integrate the new technology with existing systems can lead to inefficiencies, duplication of effort, and reduced adoption rates.

Increasing Employee Adoption of HR Technology:

1. Involve Employees: 

 Involve employees in the selection and implementation process to increase their buy-in and sense of ownership. Solicit their feedback, address their concerns, and provide opportunities for them to learn about the new technology.

2. Communicate Effectively:

 Communicate the benefits of the new technology and how it will impact their job. Use multiple channels of communication to reach all employees and ensure that the message is clear and consistent.

3. Provide Adequate Training:

 Provide comprehensive training to all employees on the new technology. Offer ongoing support and refresher training as needed to ensure that everyone has the necessary skills and knowledge to use the new technology effectively.

4. Ensure Integration: 

 Ensure that the new technology is integrated with other systems and processes to ensure seamless workflows. Test the integration thoroughly to identify and resolve any issues before launch.


HR technology implementations can be complex, requiring careful planning, communication, and training to ensure successful adoption. Employee involvement, effective communication, adequate training, and integration with existing systems and processes are key factors in achieving high adoption rates. Organizations that prioritize employee adoption as a measure of success and take the necessary steps to increase adoption rates are more likely to achieve the full potential of their HR technology investments.


Bersin, J. (2018). HR Technology: The Dirty Little Secret. Josh Bersin Co.

Atkinson, J. (2018). How to Ensure High Adoption Rates for HR Technology. PwC.

Ahsan Tariq
Department of Management Science 
Preston University