Saturday 14 January 2023

Communication Skill Gap 2020

According to a survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) in 2020, a majority of employers (62%) reported that recent graduates were not effectively communicating in the job market. Additionally, the survey found that poor communication skills were the most common reason for not hiring a candidate, with 61% of employers citing it as a concern.

A separate study by the Association for Talent Development (ATD) found that communication was the most important skill for employees to possess, with 93% of employers stating that it was essential for success in the workplace. Despite this, only 11% of employers felt that new hires were proficient in communication.

These findings suggest that there is a disconnect between what employers are looking for in terms of communication skills and what recent graduates are able to provide. The NACE survey suggests that this may be due to a lack of emphasis on communication skills in the classroom, with only 45% of employers believing that colleges and universities were effectively preparing graduates for the workforce in this area.

In light of these findings, it is clear that there is a need for better communication skills development in the education system. Employers want to see graduates who can effectively communicate in the workplace, and it is up to educational institutions to provide the training and resources necessary for students to develop these skills.

It's also important for students and job seekers to actively work on developing their communication skills through internships, extracurricular activities, and other opportunities. These experiences can provide valuable practice in communicating with colleagues and supervisors, as well as demonstrate to potential employers that they are actively working to improve in this area.

In conclusion, the data from 2020 shows that there is a significant gap between the communication skills that employers are looking for and what recent graduates are able to provide. This is a problem that needs to be addressed by educational institutions and students alike to ensure that recent graduates are well-prepared for the workforce.

Ahsan Tariq
Department of Management Science 
Preston University

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