Monday 30 January 2023

Off-boarding: A Guide to Leaving Your Job on Good Terms

 Off-boarding: A Guide to Leaving Your Job on Good Terms

Leaving a job can be a bittersweet experience, but it's important to make a graceful exit. Here are some tips for offboarding effectively:

Give Adequate Notice: 

 Provide your employer with adequate notice of your departure. This shows that you're responsible and considerate of their needs.

Be Professional: 

 Keep your demeanor professional and avoid any negative comments or actions that could reflect poorly on you or the company.

Tie Up Loose Ends: 

 Complete any outstanding work and handover responsibilities to your replacement. This shows that you're responsible and committed to the company's success.

Express Gratitude: 

 Take the time to thank your colleagues, superiors, and support staff for the opportunities and experiences you've had while working with them.

Be Open to Feedback: 

 Be open to receiving feedback from your employer and colleagues about your time at the company. This can help you improve for your next job.

Keep in Touch: 

 Maintain professional relationships with your colleagues and superiors, especially if you hope to stay in touch or use them as references in the future.

By following these tips, you'll be able to make a smooth transition out of your job and leave on good terms. Good luck!

Ahsan Tariq
Department of Management Science 
Preston University

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