Monday 30 January 2023

On-boarding: A Guide to Starting Your New Job on the Right Foot


On-boarding: A Guide to Starting Your New Job on the Right Foot

Starting a new job can be an exciting but nerve-wracking experience. To help you get off on the right foot, here are some tips for a successful on boarding experience:

Be Prepared: 

 Do your research about the company, its culture, and the team you'll be working with. Know what you're getting into and come prepared with questions.

Be Punctual: 

 Arrive on time for your first day and all meetings thereafter. This shows that you're dependable and respect the company's time.

Be Engaged: 

 Ask questions and actively participate in meetings, training sessions, and any other opportunities to learn about the company and your role.

Be a Good Listener: 

 Pay attention to what your colleagues and superiors are saying and take note of any important information. This will help you understand the company's goals and expectations.

Be Respectful: 

Treat everyone you meet with professionalism and respect. This includes your colleagues, superiors, and support staff.

Be Adaptable: 

 Be open to change and new ways of doing things. Companies are constantly evolving and you need to be able to adapt to new processes, procedures, and technologies.

Be Yourself: 

 Don't try to be someone you're not. Be authentic and let your personality shine through. This will help you build better relationships with your colleagues and superiors.

By following these tips, One can be able to get off on the right foot and make a great impression at your new job. 

Ahsan Tariq
Department of Management Science 
Preston University

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